May 4, 2018 Blogs 0

Hello good people who actually come onto my website!

I am hardly writing and hard at work writing depending on the day. My next book will be FAULT LINES and it will be published at the end of June. This book continues the story of Ursula Moolay from my first novel The Trouble With Off Campus Housing. She was one of my favorite characters and exploring her further was something I wanted to do. She is a rich personality and jumps off of the page demanding her further adventures.

I also wanted to create a world that I could keep coming back to. As a young man, I fell in love with The Tales of the City book series and I wanted to emulate that type of storytelling and Fault Lines is the first book in this series. It takes place in Los Angeles at a small community of townhomes with characters we can identify with and feel for. Some are innocent and some are not. The story is a mystery that unravels bringing each character into its web with Ursula as the centerpoint. I am excited to share it with you soon!

The other novel that I have been diligently working on is ADORKABLE. A story set at my old college in the theatre department. It is a romantic mystery about a college freshman who gets pulled into a dangerous game of deceit and intrigue. He puts his life on the line to solve a mystery that has been unresolved for almost sixteen years. Who can he trust when the answer is no one?

I hope that I can get this book out by the end of the year. Hopefully October… Maybe not. BUT, I bet it is out before the next Game of Thrones novel.

Keep reading and thank you for being a friend.
